Virtual Plant Technologies have garnered recognition as one of the premier startups in NRW for their strides in scaling and internationalization. This achievement owes much to the concerted efforts of digihub - Digital Innovation Hub Düsseldorf/Rheinland GmbH and Start2 Group, whose supportive initiatives have been instrumental in facilitating VP's growth trajectory. The significance of this program is underscored by its endorsement from the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW.
Acknowledging the invaluable support rendered, particularly in fostering an environment conducive to female founders, entrepreneurs, engineers, and businesspersons, Virtual Plant Technologies' founder Esma Gulten expresses gratitude to Mona Neubaur for her pivotal contribution. This recognition serves as a testament to the dedication and vision of all involved.